Sustainable Packaging Summit 2024

On 12th-13th November 2024 the doors of Amsterdam’s most inspiring venue, the Beurs van Berlage, once again open to leaders of the international packaging value chain, brands, NGOs, recyclers and regulators, with a shared mission to accelerate sustainable transformation in packaged goods. The Sustainable Packaging Summit aims to create a ‘Davos’ dedicated to making packaging fit for purpose in a rapidly changing world. It is focused on impact: through honest dialogue on our challenges, promoting strategic alignment, revealing new approaches that work, and sharing the biggest opportunities in the realm of innovation. It’s a summit, not a conference – where every attendee is an active participant.  


Plastic Bank
Gemini Corporation

The 2024 Sustainable Packaging Summit will be co-located with SPC Engage, taking place on 11th of November.

It will be centred around Harmonizing Action. The program will include areas of collaboration and common ground such as the evolution of on-pack labelling, evaluating packaging formats and product portfolios in different world regions to find opportunities for reduction and redesign; finding commonalities of reusable packaging systems to scale them; the role of biodiversity as an ESG priority for packaging; learnings from standardized testing methods; and how to bring data together in a global level to address global challenges.


2024 Attendees