Full Name
Andromeda Scoppio
Job Title
Regulatory Affairs Advisor
Plastics Recyclers Europe (The Nestwork)
Andromeda Scoppio is a Regulatory Affairs Advisor at Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE) in Brussels. With expertise in chemicals legislation, project management, and materials science, she focuses on regulatory policies related to chemicals and plastic waste. Moreover, on behalf of PRE, Andromeda works on technical projects aimed at enhancing plastic waste circularity. Previously, she led research on advanced plastic characterization and recycling, at Borealis AG in Austria, as well as at the institution POLYMAT, in the Basque Country. These, she led research activities in the field of plastics advanced characterization and was involved in developing analytical methods for the R&D department. Finally, she is a Marie-Slodowska Curie PhD candidate in Applied Chemistry & Polymeric Materials, and holds both a Master’s and Bachelor’s degree with honors in Industrial Chemistry & Polymer Science from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.